Statue of Symbol
The statue of the symbol of Faculty of Economics and Bussines – Diponegoro University is spirited by two principles namely :
- The heroism charaters of the University and Diponegoro himself
- Jasmine flowers symbolizes the character of the University and Keris (Dagger – Javanese traditional weapon) and the shadow of Prince Diponegoro symbolizes heroism
Meaning of Symbol
The blossom jasmine symbolizes character of human being that is always eager to develop and improve knowledge, and devote their knowledges and skills to community. The bud is located in the middle of 15 petals blossomed jasmine wrapped by its two leaves. This symbol means that Diponegoro University was formally established on 15 October 1960. Keris (Dagger – Javenese traditional weapon) shadowed by the siluete of Prince Diponegoro means that this university participates to protect and to defend national and country independence. Terms of pentagonal areas mean that Pancasila which is foundation of the Republic of Indonesia is also the foundation of Diponegoro University.