Semarang, March 3, 2025 – Arif Pujiyono, S.E., M.Si, was officially inaugurated as the Secretary of the Islamic Economics Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University. The inauguration was conducted by the Chancellor of Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, SE, M.Si, during an event attended by various stakeholders.
Arif Pujiyono has been serving in the field of Economics and Development Studies since 1998. He is a key figure in the establishment of the Islamic Economics Study Program, which officially began operations in 2014. With a robust educational background, Arif earned his Bachelor of Economics degree from Diponegoro University in 1996. He then pursued his master’s degree at the University of Indonesia, graduating in 2003. Currently, Arif is working towards his doctoral degree at Diponegoro University, demonstrating his commitment to further developing his knowledge and expertise in the field.
Arif Pujiyono specializes in Islamic microeconomics, which is the primary focus of curriculum development and research within the Islamic Economics Study Program. With over two decades of experience, Arif has made significant contributions to the advancement of Islamic economics in Indonesia, both through teaching and research. He is also actively involved in various seminars and conferences, sharing his knowledge and experiences with academics and practitioners in the field of economics.
In addition to Arif Pujiyono, the inauguration also included several other important officials at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University. Among them are Dr. Siti Mutmainah, S.E., Akt., M.Si, who was inaugurated as the Head of the Doctoral Program in Economics; Dr. Mahfudz S.E., M.T., who serves as the Head of the Management Department; and Dr. Eisha Lataruva, S.E., M.M., who was appointed as the Secretary of the Digital Business Study Program.
This new leadership team is expected to enhance the quality of education and research within the faculty, contributing to the overall mission of Diponegoro University in advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence.