Diponegoro University provides an opportunity for students to apply for UKT Adjustment in accordance with the Rector Regulation Number 9 of 2021. Submission of UKT adjustments must be submitted before the next semester takes place. Payment of UKT for even semester 2023/2024 is scheduled to take place from January 2 to February 3, 2024.   The following are the applicable provisions:

  1. Adjustment of UKT class to a lower level
  2. UKT class adjustment to a higher level
  3. Reduction of UKT
  4. Liberation
  5. Payment in installments
  6. Delay of payment

Other forms determined by the Rector

Referring to the Chancellor’s Decree Number 152/UN7.A/HK/IV/2023 regarding the Diponegoro University Academic Calendar for the 2023/2024 academic year, the application for UKT adjustment will be carried out by following the predetermined schedule.

The following is the schedule for the implementation of UKT adjustments for the 2023/2024 academic year :

No. Date Description
1. November 13th – December 1st, 2023 Submission of UKT adjustment from students
2. November 14th – December 12th, 2023 Verification of UKT adjustment application at the Faculty
3. December 13th, 2023 Deadline for Submission of UKT Adjustment Proposal from Faculty
4. December 18th – 21st, 2023 UKT adjustment verification at the University
5. December 22nd, 2023 Rector’s Decision Process on UKT Adjustment

UKT submission is done online through the website ukt.undip.ac.id.