Located at the Entrepreneurship Laboratory of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (FEB Undip) an Open Senate Session was held at 10.00. This event was organized by the Islamic Economics Student Association chaired by Nafia Dias M. as a student of the Islamic Economics study program. This event was held in the framework of the 60th Anniversary of Faculty of Economics and Business Undip. This Open Senate Session was attended by invited guests and FEB alumni, teaching staff, delegates from each Student Organization (Ormawa), and FEB Undip students.
Various series of events were carried out at this Open Senate Session. The event began with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya by all participants present. Then officially the Open Senate Session of the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip was opened by the Chairman of the Senate of Faculty of Economics and Business Undip, Anis Chariri. Remarks were also delivered by Suharnomo as Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Undip and Yos Johan Utama as Undip Rector. The next event that was very proud of was the awarding of Augusty Tae Ferdinand and Imam Ghozali for their services and contributions to the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip. The Best Service Award is also given to lecturers and employees who have passed away, namely Maruto Umar Basuki, Bejo, and Purwanto. Then continued with the awarding of the “Outstanding Alumni Award” to Michael Bambang Hartono, Maryono, and Randi Anto by the Rector of Diponegoro University.
The essence of the Open Senate Session was delivered with a Scientific Oration by Michael Bambang Hartono. The Scientific Oration raised the theme “The Nation’s Economic Independence: Opportunities and Challenges”. With this theme, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of the current state of the Indonesian economy to the participants of the Open Senate Session. The oration began by explaining that the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip was established in 1957, one of the founders of which was Soedarto. He also explained that Indonesia experienced an economic boom in 2014 and 2019. Michael also said that the economy is now dominated by the era of a massive digital economy with fast and significant online sales. The Scientific Oration closed with three ways to attract investors to improve the nation’s economy, namely changing laws related to investment, lowering income taxes, and simplifying regulations.
The Open Senate session was then closed with a joint prayer led by Marwini and officially closed by Anis Chariri. The invited guests and alumni of Feb as well as teaching staff were then invited to inaugurate the Working Space of the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip and continued with the planting of tabebuya trees and lunch.